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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 08/02/06
AUGUST 2, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Steven Neill, (Absent: Jon LeClair)

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of July 19, 2006, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.  

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of July 19, 2006, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion but with the following correction – he asked Keith Weed to clarify the grader incident noted on page 2 – Keith Weed explained that the pipes were suspended over the stone header, the grader was driving by and pushed it in.  With all in favor, the motion carried.  

Brenda Ferland moved to unseal the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of January 25, 1999 and place them on file.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Water & Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported that the Summit Hill project is nearly completed.  The crane will be here on August 16th so they can set the building in place.  The residents will be notified.  A few weeks ago he advised the Selectboard that he was trying to find a way to eliminate the lightning strikes at the Clay Brook reservoir and he has come up with a way to do that; all the controls can be moved down into the Clay Brook well house.  He distributed a memo to the Selectboard dated July 31, 2006, and explained the proposed changeover.  He has a customer that would like to buy the old B-2 unit for $1,000.  The balance of the funding will be taken out of the capital budget line; other costs will be minimal.  There was discussion relative to either dismantling the building or possibly moving the entire building off the lot for use elsewhere.  Steve Neill is not opposed to the proposal if it gets the Town away from the lightning strikes.

Dave Duquette submitted a memo referring to the Personnel Policy and requesting an amendment due to the fact that the Water and Sewer Departments are mandated to cover every weekend.  If they have a vacation day scheduled in a week that they worked over-time they do not get paid for the over-time.  The plant runs 7 days a week and they rotate weekends.  The Highway Department has run into the same situation in the wintertime when the crew is snowplowing.  There was a consensus that, due to the absence of Jon LeClair, this will be carried over as an agenda item for the next meeting.

Dave Duquette discussed his proposal to change the policy for uniforms and rag service for the Water and Sewer Departments.  Steve Neill explained that now we are in the middle of a budget year so this should be addressed when the budget is being reviewed rather than mid-stream.  He felt it would be okay to make other arrangements for the rag service but there was a reason why they went to the uniform service.  Keith Weed advised that the Highway Department is not using the uniform service 100% at this time and quite often the service is dependent on who the driver of the week is.  During the summer nobody wants to wear the dark blue, long sleeve shirts.  This will be an agenda item for the next meeting; Dave Edkins will obtain a copy of the current contract and, if necessary, contact the uniform service to ask them to have a representative attend that meeting.

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that the cruiser is now at Gateway Motors; he provided the history on the transmission problems.  R & K Towing took it to Gateway and did not charge for the service.  Steve Neill asked Dave Edkins to write a letter to R & K Towing to thank them for their donation.  The Police Department was involved in a softball game with the State Police, Claremont Police and Newport Police; it was a lot of fun and they raised some money.  The generator failed its initial test because the emergency shut-off switch had apparently been tampered with.  Hopefully, they will get a lock box or disconnect it in the future.  Dave Edkins noted that it came on at 3:10 this afternoon in accordance with the pre-programmed exercise schedule.  Chief Smith will be on vacation beginning Friday morning until August 12th but Aaron Reichert will be in charge.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that they got through the rains of last weekend but had to close the Sam Putnam and Meany Roads for a short period of time.  Old Springfield Road had some damage.  Acworth had a lot of damage; Keith Weed left a message and offered to help out because they are still working on their roads.  He spoke to the contractor about the crushing; we are looking at mid-September.  They finished the grading today.  South Hemlock Road was done last week.  North Hemlock Road was washed out last October so they put in some drainage and are getting ready for the asphalt.  They will dig out the ditch and replace two culverts on the Acworth Road.  There was discussion relative to salvaging the culverts and checking into slip-lining options.  The only thing left to be done on Scott’s Drive is the paving and guardrails; Dave Edkins will notify FEMA that it is done.  There is a sinkhole in front of John Ritch’s property.  There is correspondence in the folder on American Rock Salt, it is not the State bid price; Cargill or Granite State Minerals got the State bid price.  The Selectboard initialed the contract with American Rock Salt.  The new truck is at Whelen for lighting fit-up and should be back next week.

Steve Neill said now that the new vehicles are in service some of the older vehicles that have been replaced should be sold.  Information on the items to be sold should be submitted to Dave Edkins so they can be advertised for sale by bid with the “right to reject” clause.  Keith Weed suggested keeping the highway truck and putting it at the Transfer Station just to plow, sand and salt.  Steve Neill felt it could be kept until it needs additional repairs; Dave Edkins will check to see how much it will cost to keep the liability insurance on it and then a decision will be made.  The chipper motor, old police generator and other equipment will be listed.  A memo will be sent to the Department Heads requesting that they list all equipment and supplies that are no longer needed.

Dave Edkins received a call from the VNA advising that they found the detour signage on the North Hemlock Road confusing.  Keith Weed said they are working on getting some proper signage.

Peter Lumbra is ready to start the lighting project on Thursday and questioned if the Town has the conduit for their portion of the project.  He has enough to do the Women’s Club project.  It was agreed that Keith Weed would get the conduit for around the municipal building.  A Building Permit will be obtained from Bud Von Ahnen.

Claremont Road and Fling Road:  Kennith Champney would like to see the right fork taken out of the Old Claremont Road/Acworth Road intersection (across from Fling Road); now that the traffic has increased tractor-trailers have difficulty making the turn.  He displayed a sketch of the area.  Keith Weed suggested that he talk to the Highway Advisory Board which meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 P.M.                                                                 

Rotary Club:  Daryl Royce, representing the Rotary Club, said there is a closet in the northeast corner of the old Town Hall that they would like to have cleaned out.  They would like permission to place an ad in the Our Town for two months asking any person or group that has items stored there to take them out by a designated date.  The Rotary is using a part of the closet now and the other items have been in there for a long time.  The Selectboard approved the request.

Main Street Drainage:  Eric Lutz advised that in the past two weeks we have had two flash floods that have affected portions of Main Street.  It floods his front lawn and he has had to clean out his basement.  He wanted the Selectboard to be aware of it and asked if something could be done to improve the drainage.  Steve Neill responded that the Selectboard is aware of this problem.  Dave Edkins recommended talking to some engineers and putting together a budget number as a way of getting a project started.  It will be put on the Continuing Agenda.

Old Claremont Road:  Brenda Ferland had a complaint about when is the Town going to upgrade the north end of the Old Claremont Road and she replied next year.  Keith Weed advised that they cannot do anything until the water project is finished.  Dave Duquette explained that there are two valves that do not work so there is little control in that area.  When the Selectboard decides to extend the water line out there he will do the work.  The west side needs attention.  Brenda Ferland felt there should be something put in the Our Town publication explaining these projects so people will be more aware of what is happening and have an idea of the time table.

There was no Old Business to come before this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.
Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Highway – Charlestown Property Management for the sweeping $724.50; 2) Water/Sewer – EOS Research $5,120.00; 3) Highway – All States Asphalt for liquid calcium chloride $3,383.24; 4) Highway – Cold River Materials $963.74; 5) Library Building – Blanc & Bailey $7,000.00; and 6) Highway – Poirier Guidelines $3,277.50 for line striping.

Contract:  The Selectboard approved and signed the contract with the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission for work to be done on the Master Plan.  The Planning Board approved it at their meeting last night.

Inventory Issues:  The Selectboard approved waiving three Inventory penalties.

Fire Department:  A quote was received on a leasing plan to buy a new pickup truck for the Fire Department, as requested by the insurance company.  Figures were obtained for a municipal lease/purchase agreement.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses, or Resolutions.

Wheeler Rand Road:  Steve Neill felt the Selectboard should respond to the letter from James Baldwin just to advise that they are aware of it and that the Highway Advisory Board got a copy of the letter.  Copies were given to Keith Weed and the Highway Advisory Board.

Piano in the Community Room:  Dave Edkins reported that the piano was donated to the Town.  There is also an organ downstairs.  Since a church in Claremont needs a piano, the Selectboard approved having them come and take it but the organ will remain.

New Front Door at the Bakery Building:  There was a consensus to wait until Jon LeClair is present to make a decision on the new front door at the Bakery Building.

Masonry Work:  The Selectboard reviewed the proposal from Charlestown Cornerstone to do some masonry work.  There was a question about the windows; it was questioned whether one should come out of the proposal.  Brenda Ferland initialed the proposal.  Dave Edkins will talk to Jon LeClair about it as the work should be done before winter.

Hazard Mitigation Plan Meeting:  Dave Edkins reminded everyone that there is a Hazard Mitigation Plan meeting tomorrow afternoon in the Community Room.

Wheelabrator:  A letter and proposed contract with a guaranteed tonnage figure were received from Wheelabrator.  There will be an informational meeting at the Hartness House in a few weeks at 6:00 P.M.  It was agreed that the Town is not interested in such a contract at this time.

Auditor’s Letter:  Dave Edkins explained that Gallagher, Callahan and Gartrell was the law firm that the School Study Committee used.  Whenever the Town pays a bill the auditors send them a letter asking them if there is any pending legal action.  Each response generates a new bill resulting in a vicious circle which is costly to the Town.  The Selectboard asked Dave Edkins to contact the auditors to ask them to discontinue sending out the letters since the Town has not used this firm for several years.   

Reappraisal:  Next Wednesday in the afternoon, Dave Edkins and Pat Royce will be meeting with representatives from MRI and Vision.  They are working on the reappraisal and will explain where we are and what we can expect in terms of values.  The Selectboard is invited to attend.

Legislative Issues:  The Municipal Association is asking if there is any legislation that the Town would like to propose.  Brenda Ferland said “yes” when we take people to court we should be able to recover our legal costs up-front.   

Time Off:  Dave Edkins will be taking this Friday off.

Street Light:  Dave Davis would like to know if the Selectboard has looked at his streetlight.  The Selectboard will look at it as a group.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  The Conservation Commission has not yet met.  

CEDA:  CEDA has not yet met this month.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland, (Steve Neill, Alt.):  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  Ron LeClair was granted final approval for the storing and parking of construction trucks and equipment with the condition that there be no washing of vehicles and no mechanical work done on the premises.  Anything parked for more than 30 days needs to have an absorbent pad under it.  Tina Odette received a Sign Permit on the site where Rallye Motors used to be.  The Charlestown Fire Department received a Sign Permit for a Smokey the Bear fire hazard warning sign.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  There have not yet been any meetings this month.

Solid Waste Committee:  Keith Weed said there have been no recent meetings.  

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  The Ambulance Department has not yet met.  


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:18 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                         Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill                 Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the August 16th, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)